WIPI Member Photo Profiles

E.F. Kitchen
Brenda Maltese

MEMBER  PhotoProfile Submission Instructions  

Our strength is in our online resource with more than 100,000 viewers to the site each month with close to a million hits within the site and growing. Members have profited from this tremendous exposure and outreach. Stay linked and represented to the Global Photographic Community by maintaining your membership to WIPI. See WIPI History

Visit the member link section to view current member PhotoProfile

PhotoProfile $35
- one time charge NEW Member PhotoProfile.
Updates $25

 CHARTER - 6 images - FREE (see sample)
1200 characters of text
"In Memory of" - 6 images - FREE (same as Charter)
1200 characters of text
 PROfessional - 4 images (see sample) - UPDATES ONLY thru May 1st
1000 characters of tex
 General - 2 images  (see sample) UPDATES ONLY thru May 1st
 600 characters of text
 Student - 1 image  (see sample) UPDATES ONLY thru May 1st
400 characters of text


(SEE HIRE A WIPI PRO section to choose 1 to 3 categories that best represent your work, starting with 1) most active, 2) etc. )

TEXT including spaces and punctuation - for membership level text see above. (use word processing doc to check character count)
E-MAIL address and/or phone number

WEB addresses two (2) (If you have several locations where your work is published, you may want to include the web address(s) in your 
TEXT information if it exceeds the 2 web address links)

SUBJECT LINE of your e-mail type YOUR NAME and  "WEB profile"
INCLUDE your BIO text (not to exceed requirements above)
put text inside the e-mail only, no attachments
NAME your images with your last name i.e.,
Shaw1.jpg - Shaw2.jpg - etc
IMAGES must not exceed the following dimensions:

JPEG format at 72 dpi. - high quality

Horizontal/vertical: 275 pixels by 225 pixels
(no one side larger than 275 pixels)

Square: 225 pixels high x 225 pixels wide

CHOOSE an image that translates well as a smaller image. You may consider even taking a portion of an image to highlight the style of your work, especially if you have a website where the full image can be seen.

ATTACH IMAGES ONLY -- put bio text inside e-mail

Send to

You can create a direct link to your PhotoProfile by Holding down your "control" key on a MAC when you click on your CAMERA icon in the member listing section, it will open a window with a stand alone URL that you can paste and send or add to your resume.

Photo and new bio information changes made before annual Renewal will require a $25 update charge.

WIPI  suggest that all members buy their domain name and use either their Firstname@YourNamedomain.com or Info@YourNamedomain.com as their e-mail so you never have to worry about updating your links. You can relay your e-mail to a different address that you use, but your public address will remain stable.

Please make sure you edit and spell check your text. Most word processing programs have text character count and spell check capabilities

WIPI reserves the right to reject any content it deems inappropriate for any reason.

If membership has been canceled due to non-payment or any other reason, NEW membership fees will apply including activation charge for PhotoProfile


Membership Application, Payment and Survey

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last updated: April 1, 2015

Please download the following logo (http://www.womeninphotography.org)
and/or description to link us on your website. Thank you.

Women In Photography International promotes the visibility of women
working in the photographic arts through our online galleries, F2-eZine feature articles, juried exhibitions, education and community outreach