Featured Professional Member Gallery
Archive 14 - April-June 2003


The Harvest, Sarbi, Romania, 2000
In August, oat fields paint the landscape with golden rectangles. A family must cut their crop before it is fully ripe or the seeds will fall into the earth. To prepare the stalks for being threshed, they must first tie them in bundles.

Recolta, Sarbi, Romania, 2000
ën august, c‰mpurile de ovaùz coloreazaù peisajul cu dreptunghiuri galbene. O familie trebuie saù-süi taie recolta ”nainte de a fi coapta ù total, or altfel semintüele vor caùdea pe paùm‰nt. Pentru a taùia paiele, acestea trebuie ”nainte legate ”n snopi.